A Himalayan Bliss
All my courage and appetite for the vagaries of life has emanated from the certitude of being understood at some level by some one – a sojourner, a dear friend, an authority figure, or even a muse. I am fully aware that this is in no way a requisite surrogacy for that mirage (or so it seems) we all so dearly search for – LOVE. But if I were not to have at least this kind of approbation in its own idiosyncratic forms, I am sure to be victimized by the fangs of restlessness, devoured to the fullest by aimless drifts.
What strikes me as incredulous is the hitherto unimaginable way I was awashed in some strange sense of harmony: the regal splendour of the pristine mountains of
The perennial temptations of the material comforts notwithstanding, I now make a renewed promise to myself ‘to matter’, to acquiesce to humility, to stop deriding myself as an ancillary being as in the past. I now harbour confidence about being an upstart in the milieu surrounding my daily life – all by virtue of earning the right to be so through the discovery of majestic glory of
Thus, I have accidentally taken to being courageous. I am happy. I am not just one among the multitude (as I have so often feared I would end up being), at least in these exalted moments of reflecting upon these joys through my true companion – “les mots” (words). I am plain happy. There is just enough abundance of exuberance vibrating in me, urging me to live life to the fullest.
But then… I am nervous… that going back to the stress riddled urban life will see me making exigent concessions to prudence, seeking every which means to look for instant gratification. May I have the strength, following my thoughts to where they lead me, hopefully towards that road less traveled…..
After reading this post, I too am feeling the sense of courage. A courage to break free.
What I see, taste, hear, touch, smell, feel, think and talk everyday is so bound, influenced and pre-defined by the immediate surroundings that I belong. Which in-turn determine what I experience - eventually confining me to the mental projection of so called "Reality". Meanwhile, time passes by at such enormous speed, that we loose track of it, as we are busy clinging on to our version of the world and our disillusioned self-importance.
Once in a while it is imperative to break this vicious cycle of existence. Surely there are creations of nature much more profound and magnificent, than the insignificant life what we so dearly cherish. It is imperative to ask - what I believe to be real; is it really real? Who am I? what am I? and Why am I?
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