Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Dance Floor Dares....

And I thought only a miracle-drug induced hallucination could possibly take one into a never-before-experienced zone of calming clarity!!! Apart from the pleasure I had derived in the past from taking in the insights provided by some of the greatest writers in their works – a clear case of emotional highs, only two other incidents, as far as I can vividly remember, stand out for their uniqueness in relation to the perfect combination of physical and emotional thrills provided. A rarity among rarities, I should say.

The special firsts in life always leave prominent imprints in the memory. Eventually, those incidents might get buried deep under the quick sand of every-day common place feelings we are inundated with. Nevertheless, their retrieval, triggered by nostalgic effects from unexpected quarters, makes you replicate the gratitude and gladness to have had those trysts.

That first love for the beloved (or is it the first beloved??), that first acknowledgement of a sense of the first triumph, that first compliment from someone on your actual potential (which truth tends to get reinforced only later by repeated compliments from others in various forms), that first pride on discovering an identity……….. not to leave out the feel of the effects of those first showers of rain drops on the sun scorched earth……… All these firsts stand unparalleled in terms of the serenity associated with their unfolding. Then again, these are to be expected. These are bound to happen at one point of time or the other in every one’s life. But what about The unexpected??? I can’t but yell a deafening Hurrah when I realize I am amassing them as well……

I hadn’t known that flying in a plane for the first time would do so much as to alter my vision towards life. Those moments just near the take-off from the runway into the air and the momentum that builds up to it few seconds before that are unforgettable. It’s a physical thrill and an emotional pleasure bundled into one. I have envisioned the power of power! And I had been thinking of that as the only possible serendipitous instance of The unexpected pleasure of my life, till yesterday!!

How do I even begin to describe those two hours of sudden awakenings?? Dancing on the Dance-floor, unmindful of the imposing crowd around, dancing my way into the glory of oneness, embracing my harmonious self, now palpitating and now rejuvenated, shedding all my inhibitions much to my very own shocking surprise, accepting myself for whatever I was in totality including the orientation (thoughts and acts!)… That was The FIRST! And the gut feeling echoing a resounding assurance of a thumping conviction that my life would never be the same again for better…… This is Ecstasy (without consuming the pill Ecstasy!! :-))


At 8:48 PM, Blogger Sree said...

Hey kiddo, please write something for us ignorant souls.. looking up a dictionary each time we attempt to read this leaves us tired and drained ;-).

Keep posting regularly, and keep in mind our standard too :-))


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