Friday, March 31, 2006

Bombay Beckons... Loneliness de-mystified!!

Loneliness as a way of life symbolizes pure disharmony, when none of the innumerable tumultuous random voices, which have already assumed incoherence in the melee of overlapping, succeeds in the struggle for a chance to reverberate with clarity in the heart’s epicenter. I have longed to feel the serenity that reflects upon oneself in the true harmonious revelation of loneliness.

Not until now have I been explicitly aware of this seeping monotony that has sucked away my ambitions to rise above the commonplace things in life. The glaring contrast is conspicuous in the fleeting but powerful moments of the experience of a long forgotten contentment at being left all to myself, with a passive delight, all arising out of the comforting thoughts of having a sojourner out there somewhere in the crowd to relate to. It is in the rarest of such occasions that I feel vindicated for all the countless moments of tedious ennui I have to agonizingly suffer through. Life has more than just these moments to offer… The wait is worth it even if it means I will have to endure another cyclic impact of the dreaded tedium.

As I now try to reminisce the psychological events which unfolded on that magical day two weeks ago, on a sun kissed beach of Bombay, when, staring into the so-near-yet-so-far horizons, I had acknowledged the aforementioned feelings in me, I feel a perilious humility overpower me now....... Life and its multi dimensional workings!! I think I am falling in love with Bombay............... the multitudes' cacaphony notwithstanding...... or is it because of it???


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