The Home Sickness...
Every time I return from home, I invariably suffer from what is known as a nostalgic outburst, making me very much vulnerable and incapacitated. I seem to lose all my confidence and submit myself to all the weaknesses which suddenly begin to resurface. I miss my mom terribly. I miss that utmost comfortable ambience of home, which is second to none. How time flies by! The first few hours after departure from home are excruciatingly painful. Isn’t it funny, that as long as you enjoy the glory and warmth of Home – Sweet Home, you are at peace with yourself, notwithstanding the occasional temper tantrums you throw around?? And once you step out of the confines of protective shadows of the all-pervading love and affection of mom, that human deity whose priority is to only make sure her son is comfortable in every sense of the word no matter how inconvenienced she gets, there is a cloud of gloom descending upon you… questioning your acts, past and future.
And the first few minutes after my arrival in the hostel are too unbearable to bear. For moments together, there is this uncontrollable urge inside me to leave everything as it is and run back home. Though in the backdrop of my mind, I am sure about the transiency, I cannot quite bring myself to believe in the logic. All I want to do is just go back home and be there for my mom and sis forever. Hmmmmm…. Very idealistic indeed…. Only prayers are all I have for the welfare of my family members now…. Strong, honest and sincere prayers…. May God Bless my Mom and Sis and keep them peaceful, healthy and happy ever. Mom, I love you…. Sis, though my acts always suggest otherwise, I love you…. Who else do I have whom I can proudly claim to belong to me.. in all honesty????
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