Sunday, September 11, 2005

Tennis as a means to excel...

And the excitement and tempted postponements come to an end for the time being, hopefully, today early in the morning. Roger Federer wins his second consecutive U.S Open Men’s Title. For a die-hard fan of Roger, I was surprised to see myself rooting for Agassi for most part of the match. It’s the feel-good factor that was making me do so. I too, like the millions of fans out there wanted a fairy-tale finish for a spectacular career that Agassi had. I was also reminded of how I had been through a roller coaster ride of emotions when Steffi Graf made it to the finals of Wimbledon in 1999.

Watching tennis has always been a great relief. I bask in the glory of analogies, forgetting all my worries and setbacks. The day dreaming in me goes wild at times, with my fantasies of being the World’s most admired tennis player!! In the process, I simulate in me emotions of victory and defeat. Foolish as it might seem, I have thoroughly enjoyed my tryst with tennis-related stuff. I am in a zone, enjoying moments of grace and charm brought forward by the best in this field. And co-incidentally, after Steffi, it’s Roger who has had me glued to the television, watching grace unfold in its all finesse.

Like a true champion, today Federer raised his level when it mattered the most. Though his backhand was erratic, he more than made up for it with his booming first serves. He was not a complete player in the exact sense of word today, nevertheless worked his way through the final like a champion. He’s a legend in the making. There’s a lesson or two to learn from today’s match. It’s about not loosing cool in the heat of the moment. It’s about digging deep into your arsenal to produce the best shots when you notice some discrepancies in some aspects of your game for no good reason. Holds true for life too….

Now it’s time for me to settle down as soon as possible to make up for all those lost chances to excel in this semester. To begin with there is mid semester exam coming up the next week, for which I need to regroup my focus. How I crave to get into that zone of ecstasy and passion!!!


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